Schlagwort-Archive: wisdom




Briefly stated and tendred to die consideration of all sober and impartial men.

The third edition, Chillingworth Praef. §. 34.

Not protestants for rejecting, but the church of Rome for imposing upon the faith of christians, doctrines unwritten and unnecessary, and for disturbing the churches peace, and dividing unity in such matters, is in an high degree presumptuous and schismatical.

London, printed in the year, 1660.

The publisher of this treatise to the christian and candid reader.

Though opinions should be weighed, not by the reputation of the authors which deliver, but by the strength of the arguments which defend them yet it is too usual with unobserving readers, to slight the argument for the author’s sake, and to consider, not so much what is said who it is that says it. Which being the common fate of most discourses, such especially as do at all meddle with that excellent, but too much abused notion of christian liberty, do most expose the writers to censure: The most obvious character that is fastened upon them, being, that they are men either of loose, or else of factious principles: And so being discredited, before the are read, their books, how sober soever, do not remove, but only fettle and fix the preconceived prejudice; as in diseased stomachs, everything they take turns to nourish and to increase the humor.

That this is like to be the fortune of this small treatise, I have reason to expect, and therefore I have suffered it to run abroad in the world without, a name like one of those (unreadable Greek spelling) Pliny mentions, as if it were born of itself and begotten without a parent. That so those few readers it may meet with, may only fasten upon the faults of the discourse itself without diverting themselves unto that question, which all times, as well at Saul’s, have malice enough to make a proverb of, but who is their father? Yet christian reader, that it may appear only with its own faults, and have no aggravating suspicions upon it, from any mistake of the authors design or humor, I have adventured to give thee this account of him.

First, that he is a strict assertor of the doctrine of the church of England, as it is contained in the 39 articles, and for that which is the prime branch of discipline, viz. episcopacy, or the subordination between bishops and presbyters, he doth own it to be of apostolical institution, that is, as he understands jure divino. At least he thinks himself able to speak as much for the order of bishops in the church, as any can for the baptizing of infants, for the change of the Sabbath, or for anything else, which hath no particular divine precept, but only primitive practice and example to warrant it. And therefore in conformity to this principle of his, when the bishops were sunk lowest, not only for pomp but likewise for reputation and when no temptation either of profit or convenience, but rather the contrary, could work upon him, he then chose to be ordained a presbyter by one of them: which is a greater argument of his reality and steadfastness in judgment, then most of those, who now signalize themselves by distinctive habits, can pretend to; since such may reasonably be presumed to wear them, either because they are the fashion, or else the way to preferment.

Secondly, this I must say likewise, that none is more satisfied with the present government, or hath a more loyal and affectionate esteem for his Majesties person and prudence, than this writer: and therefore instead of declaiming against, or too rigid re-enforcing our old rites, fitted only for the infancy of the church these being as it were its swaddling clouts, and at the best do but show its minority he doth heartily wish that all parties would agree to refer the whole cause of ceremonies to  his Majesties single decision: From whose unwearied endeavors in procuring first, and afterwards in passing so full an amnesty of allow civil discord, we need not doubt but we may obtain, that these apples of ecclesiastical contention may be removed out of the way. Which are so very trifles, that they would vanish of themselves, but that some men’s  pride, others want of merit make them so solicitous to continue them lest it those little things were once taken away, they should want something whereby to make themselves remarkable.

Lastly he doth profess yet further that as to himself be needs not that liberty, which here he pleads for, since, though for the present he doth make use of that indulgence, which his Majesty hath been pleased to allow unto tender conferences, i.e. to all rational and sober christians: (the continuance of which, he dares not so much wrong his Majesties goodness, as once to question) yet should his Majesty be prevailed upon for some reason of state, to enjoin outward conformity, this writer is resolved by the help of God, either to submit with cheerfulness or else to suffer with silence.

For as there is an active disobedience, viz. resist which is a practice he abhors, so there is a passive disobedience, and that is, to repine (hadern) which he can by no means approve of. Since whatever he cannot conscientiously do, he thinks himself obliged to suffer for, with as much joy, and with as little reluctance, as if any other act of obedience was called for from him.

Having said this concerning the author, I need not speak much concerning the argument, but only this, that it was not written out of vanity or ostentation of wit; but as a question, in which he is really unsatisfied and therefore thought himself bound to impart his doubts: Which having done to many in discourse, with little success or satisfaction; he hath now communicated them to the world, hoping they may light into such men’s hands, who may he prevailed upon, if not to alter the judgment, yet at least to moderate the passion of some, who would put out our eyes, because we cannot see with their spectacles; and who have placed ceremonies about religion, a little too truly as a fence: For they serve to keep out all others from their communion. All therefore which this treatise aims at, is briefly to prove this, — that none is to hedge up the way to heaven; or by scattering thornes (Dornen) and punctilio’s (Nadelspitzen) in it, to make christianity more cumbersome, tedious, and difficult, then Christ hath left it. That is in short, that none can impose, what our Savior in his infinite wisdom did not think necessary, and therefore left free.




Concerning things indifferent in religious worship

Briefly stated and tendred (vorgestellt) to the consideration of all sober and impartial men.

Question: Whether the civil magistrate may lawfully impose and determine the use of indifferent things, in reference to religious worship.

For the understanding and right stating of this question, I will suppose these two things;

1.That a christian may be a magistrate; this I know many do deny, grounding themselves upon that discourse of our Savior to his disciples, “Ye know”, said he, “that the Princes of the Gentiles do exercise dominion over them, and they that are great, exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so much amongst you:” from whence they infer, that all who will‘ be Christ’s disciples, are thereby forbid any exercise of temporal sovereignty. And I remember amongst many other of the primitive writers, who were of the same opinion, Tertullian in his apology doth expressly say “nos ad omnem, ambitionis auram frigemus”, &c. We Christians says he, have not the least taint of ambition, being so far from affecting honors, that we look not after so much as the aedileship (Ädile), which was the lowest magistracy in Rome; and afterwards of Tiberius, “Tiberius”, says he, “would have become a christian, if either the world did not need or it were lawful for christians to be emperors.”

Many other expressions there are both in Tertullian, Cyprian and Origen, to the same purpose. But because the practice of the christian world, down from Constantine’s time, even in the most reformed churches hath carried it in the affirmative for christian magistracy; and the contrary doctrine, besides the gap it opens to all civil confusion, is built only upon some remote consequences from Scripture, rather than any direct proof; I will therefore admit that a Christian may lawfully exercise the highest place of magistracy, only as the Apostle sais in another case, in the Lord, i.e. no: extending his commission farther than the word of God doth warrant him.

  1. I will suppose that there are some things in their own nature indifferent, I mean, those outward circumstances of our actions: which the law of God hath left free and arbitrary, giving us only general precepts for the use of them either way: Such are, do all things to the glory of God, and do what makes most for edification, and the like, which rules whoever observes, may in things indifferent, either do or forbear them, as he in his christian prudence shall think convenient.

Of these indifferent things some are purely so, as the time and place of meeting for religious worship; which seem to me, to be so very indifferent, that they cannot without great violence, be wrested to any superstitious observance; and therefore concerning these I do not dispute.

Other things there are, commonly supposed indifferent in their own nature, but by abuse have become occasions of superstition: such as are, bowing in the name of Jesus, the cross in Baptism, pictures in churches, surplices in preaching, kneeling at the sacrament, set forms of prayer, and the like; all which seem to some indifferent in their own nature, and by any who is persuaded in his confidence of the lawfulness of them, without doubt may lawfully enough be practiced; yet I hold it utterly unlawful for any christian magistrate to impose the use of them. And that for these reasons:

First, because it is directly contrary to the nature of christian religion in general, which in every part of it is to be free and unforced; for since the christian magistrate cannot, as I think now all protestant writers do agree, force his religion upon any, but is to leave even those poor creatures the Jews and Mahometans to their unbelief (though they certainly perish in it) rather than by fines and imprisonments to torture them out of it; then much less may he abridge his fellow Christian in things of lesser moment, and which concern not the substance of his religion, from using that liberty in serving God, which his conscience prompts him to, and the nature of his religion doth warrant him in. For God as he loves cheerful giver, so likewise a cheerful worshipper, accepting of no more than we willingly perform.

Secondly and more particularly. This imposing of things indifferent, is directly contrary co Gospel precept. Our Savior doth in many places inveigh against the rigid and imposing pharisees, for laying yokes upon others, and therefore invites all to come unto him for freedom. “Take my yoke upon you,” said he, “for it is easy, and my burden is light. And if the son set you free, then are you free indeed. Whereby freedom I do not only understand freedom from sin, but from all human impositions; since the Apostle Paul doth seem to allude unto this place, in that command of his to the Galatians, “stand fast in the liberty, wherewith Christ hath made you free and be not again entangled with the yoke of bondage”; where, that I may prevent an objection, I will grant, that by yoke of bondage, he understands circumcision and other Jewish ceremonies; but from thence I will draw an unanswerable argument against the urging of any other now upon a christian account; for since the mosaical ceremonies which had so much to plead for themselves, upon the account of their divine original; and which even after they were fulfilled by our Savior, still remained indifferent in their use, and were so esteemed and practiced by Paul; yet when once they were imposed, and a necessity pleaded for their continuance, the Apostle writes sharply against them, exhorting the Galatians to stand fast in their liberty, as part of our Saviors purchase. If this, I say, was the cafe with those old rites, then much less can any now impose an invented form of worship, for which there cannot be pretended the least warrant that ever God did authorize it. And it seems altogether needless, that the Jewish ceremonies, should, as to their necessity at least, expire and be abrogated, if others might succeed in their room, and be as strictly commanded, as ever the former were.

For this only returns us to our bondage again, which is so much the more intolerable, in that our religion is styled the perfect law of liberty: Which liberty I understand not wherein it consists, if in things necessary, we are already determined by God, and in things indifferent we may still be tied up to humane ordinances, and outside rites, at the pleasure of our christian magistrates.

To these Scriptures which directly deny all imposition, maybe added all those texts, which consequentially do it, such as are “Do to others, as you would have others do to you”: And who is there that would have his conscience imposed upon? “And you that are strong   bear with the infirmity of the weak; whereas this practice will be so far from easing the burden of the weak; that if men are at all scrupulous, it only lays more load upon them. These scriptures with many hundreds the like, show that this kind of rigor is utterly inconsistent with the rules of christian forbearance and charity, which no christian magistrate ought to think himself absolved from: Since though as a magistrate he hath a power in civil things yet as a christian, he ought to have a care that in things of spiritual concernment he grieve not the minds of any, who are upon that relation, not his subjects, so much as his brethren: and therefore since they have left their natural, and voluntarily parted with their civil, they ought not to be entrenched upon in their spiritual freedom: especially by such a magistrate, who owning the same principles of religion with them, is thereby engaged to use his power, only to support, and not to ensnare them, to bound perhaps, but not to abridge their liberty; to keep it indeed from running into licentiousness (which is a moral evil) but not to shackle, undermine, and fetter it, under pretence of decency and order. Which when once it comes to be an order of constraint and not of consent, it is nothing else but in the imposer, tyranny in the person imposed upon, bondage: And makes him to be, what in things appertaining to religion we are forbidden to be, viz. “the servants of men. Ye are bought”, said the Apostle, with a price and manumitted by Christ, “be you not the servants of men:” which prohibition doth not forbid civil service, for he said a little before. “Art thou called while thou art a servant? Care not for it; but if thou canst be free, use it rather,” implying, that civil liberty is to be preferred before servitude, yet not to be much contended for, but held as a matter indifferent; but when once our masters, shall extend their rule over the conscience, then this precept holds valid, “be ye not the servants of men”

Thirdly, it is contrary co christian practice, of which we have many remarkable instances:

The first shall be that of our Savior Christ, who was of a  most sweet and complying disposition; he says of himself, that he came eating and drinking, i.e. doing the common actions of other men; and therefore he never disclaimed to keep company with any, even the meanest and most despicable sinner; his retinue consisting for the most part of those the Jews called,  (unreadable Greek spelling) i. e. sinners in an eminent find notorious manner; whom as a physician he not only cured; but as a merciful priest sought out to save. Yet when his christian liberty came once to be invaded, he laid aside his gentleness, and proved a stifle and peremptory assertor of it.

To omit many passages, of which his story is full, I shall mention but one and that was his refuting to wash his hands before meat. This was not only a thing in itself indifferent, but likewise had some argument from decency to induce, and a constant tradition from the Elders or Sanhedrim to enforce it, who at this time were not only their ecclesiastical but their civil rulers: Yet all these motives, in a thing so innocent and small as that was, could not prevail with our Savior to quit his liberty of eating with unwashed hands. And in defense of himself, he calls them superstitious fools, and blind guides, who were offended at him; and leaves two unanswerable arguments, which are of equal validity in things of the like nature. As

  1. That this was not a plant, of his father’s planting, and therefore it should be rooted up whereby our Savior intimates, that as the Pharisees had no divine warrant to prescribe such a toy as that was, so God would at last declare his indignation against their supererogatory worship, by pulling it up root and branch. From whence I gather this rule, that when once human inventions become impositions, and lay a necessity upon that, which God hath left free; then may we lawfully reject them, as plants of mans setting, and not of Gods owning.
  2. The second argument our Savior uses is, that, these things did not defile a man, i. e. as to his mind and confidence. To eat with unwashed hands was at the worst, but a point of ill manners, and unhandsome perhaps or indecent, but not an impious or ungodly thing; and therefore more likely to offend nice stomachs, than scrupulous consciences. Whose satisfaction in such things as these our Savior did not at all study. From whence I inferre (schließe), that in the worship of God we are chiefly to look after the substance of things; and as for circumstances, they are either not worth our notice, or else will be answerable to our inward impressions; according to which our Savior in another place, says, “O blind Pharisee, cleanse first the inside of the cup and of the platter that so the outside may be clean, hereby implying, that a renewed hearty will be sure to make a changed and seemly behavior; whereas the most specious outside is consistent with inward filth and rottenness. So that they who press outward conformity in divine worship, endeavor to serve God the wrong way, and often times do only force carnal and hypocritical men to present God a sacrifice which he abhors; while co others that are more tender and scrupulous, they make the sacrifice itself unpleasant, because they will not let it be, what God would have it, a free-will offering.
  1. My second instance shall be the resolution of the Apostles in that famous and important Quaere, concerning the Jewish ceremonies, whether they were to be imposed or not. After a long dispute to find out the truth (unreadable Greek spelling, says the text) Peter directly opposes those rites, why, says he, do ye temp God by putting a yoke upon the neck of the disciples? Intimating that to put a yoke upon others (and to impose in things indifferent is certainly a great one) from which, God hath either expressly freed us, by commanding the contrary; or else tacitly freed us, by not commanding them: This is nothing else but to tempt God, and to pretend to be more wise and holy than he. Again, James decries those ceremonies upon this score, least they should (unreadable Greek spelling,) be troublesome to the converted Gentiles; implying, that however men may think it a small matter, to impose an indifferent thing, yet indeed it is an infinite trouble and matter of disquiet to the party imposed upon, because he is thereby disabled from using his liberty, in that which he knows to be indifferent.

Upon the hearing of these two, the result of the whole council was the brethren should not be imposed upon, although the arguments for conformity were more strong then, than now they can be; because the Jews in all probability, might thereby have been the sooner won be over to the christian persuasion. The decree which that apostolical, and truly christian synod makes

  1. From the stile they use, it seems good (say they) to the Holy Ghost, and to us, — so that whoever exercises the same imposing Power, had need be sure he hath the fame divine authority, for fear he only rashly assumes what was never granted him.
  1. From the things they impose, it seems good, &c. (say they) to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things, that you abstain from things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from fornication. Whence I observe,
  1. that they call their imposition (unreadable Greek spelling) a weight, or burden, which is not unnecessarily to be laid on the shoulders of any.
  1. they say, they forbid only (unreadable Greek spelling) these very necessary things, to show, that necessary things only, and not indifferent, should be the matter of our imposition.

For whereas some gather from hence, that the church, i.e. where a state is christian, the christian magistrate hath a power to oblige men to the doing of things he commands, though in their own nature they be indifferent; because they suppose that the Apostles did so; as for example, in forbidding to eat blood. Therefore consider,

  1. that this is quite contrary to the Apostles scope, whose business was to ease and free, and not to tie up their brethren; and therefore they say, they merely do lay upon them things very necessary.
  1. That all those things they forbid, were not indifferent, but long before prohibited by God, not only in the ceremonial, but in his positive law, and therefore obligatory, whereupon the Apostles call them necessary, i.e. things necessary to be forborne, even before they had made any decree against them: As
  1. (unreadable Greek spelling) i.e. the meat of things offered to idols: To eat of them was not in all cases indifferent; for to so it with conscience of the idol, i.e. intending thereby to worship the idol, this was a thing against the second commandment. But if a man was convinced that the idol was nothing, and therefore the meat, though consecrated, was free to him: Yet if his weaker brother was offended; he was then to abstain in observance of christian charity and condescencion: But if the eater himself did doubt, then was he to forbear for his own peace and quiet’s sake, for to eat, while he was unsatisfied whether it was lawful or not, was nothing else but to condemn himself, as the Apostle says, “He that doubts is (not damned as we render it, but (unreadable Greek spelling)) — condemned i.e. self condemned if he eat, because he doth that which he inwardly doth either not approve, or else at least suspects, that it is not lawful: So that the case of eating (unreadable Greek spelling), being so nice, and so apt co be mistaken: The Apostles do make their prohibitionuniversal, as that which was most safe, and least subject to scruple.
  1. (unreadable Greek spelling) Blood; i.e. flesh with the blood; or, as some, raw flesh; and things strangled; to eat these was not indifferent, but prohibited long before by God, in his law given to Noah. And therefore the Apostles prohibition here, is not to be interpreted, as their giving a temporary law, with respect had to the then constitution and economy of the Jews (as some I think weakly and without ground from Scripture, imagine) but rather as their reviving and re-enforcing an old law, which being given by God to Noah, both then was, and still is obligatory to all his posterity, God having no where dispensed with it.
  1. Lastly, (unreadable Greek spelling), if you render it fornication, then it is evidently contrary to those precepts of purity, holiness and perfection, which God everywhere requires. But if you expound it, as many learned men do, unlawful copulations; then the prohibition enforces upon us the observance of those laws concerning marriage, which are recorded in Levit.18 and which is evident, are not in their own nature indifferent, since marrying with our mother, sister or daughter, the heathen Plato and the Grecian laws condemned even by the light of nature. And God, there in that chapter, calls the contrary practices, abominable customs; for which he threatens to root even the heathen out, fin.

From what hath been said out of this instance, 1. conclude, that since, i.e. the Apostles, though divinely inspired, yet did not impose any rites upon the church , by their own proper power, but join themselves with the Holy Ghost, as being acted and commissioned by him. Since, 2., they use no arguments from decency to justify their imposition, nor by any unnecessary burden upon any, by forbidding or enjoining things purely indifferent but only prohibit such things, as they call, and it is clear from what has been said, were necessary. And lastly, since the retaining some of the more innocent and less burdensome ceremonies of the Jews, in point of order and convenience only, would in all probability have been the readiest means to bring chat precise and superfluous people unto a compliance with the Gospel; and without doubt for that reason would have been enjoined, had the Apostles conceived they had any power to have meddled with them.

Hence I conclude, for persons,

1. Who have no such authority.

2. in things much more indifferent.

And lastly, where the necessity of conformity is nothing near so pressing and urgent. For such, I say, to take upon themselves an arbitrary and an imposing power, it is altogether unwarrantable, and consequently sinful.

  1. My last instance shall be that of the Apostle Paul, who was of an universally complying carriage; he says of himself, that he became all things to all men even to Jews at a Jew, &co. with many more words to the same purpose. And to show his liberty, he circumcised Timothy, though a Greek, that he might gain the Jews in those parts. But when once a sect of men rose up, who began to preach the necessity of circumcision, he doth in many places sharply inveigh against them, calling them dogs, evil workers, and in derision, (unreadable Greek spelling), or the concision, and concludes his epistle to the Galatians, with bidding them to beware of such, as labored to boast in their flesh i. e. sought to bring them unto a conformity in those outward ordinances. Nay so jealous and precisely careful was that Apostle of this great christian privilege and charter, viz. freedom in indifferent things; that he could not brook so much as Peters suspicious carriage in that particular, but for his dissimulation, and pretending to be less free, then he was;

Paul says, that he openly reproved him to his face. And for other false brethren, who crept into their assemblies, merely to spy out their liberty, and without doubt, used the fame arguments for conformity, which many do now; the Apostle says, he resisted them, and yielded not to them, so much as for a moment.

And that he might forever preserve his Galatians from being ensured, and brought under bondage again, he leaves them the caveat, I mentioned before, stand fast in your liberty, &e. From whence I infer, that so long as a thing is left indifferent, though there be some suspicion of superstition in it, we may lawfully practice it, as Paul did circumcision; but when any shall take upon them to make it necessary, then the thing so imposed presently loses not its liberty only, but likewise its lawfulness; and we may not without breach of the Apostles precept, submit unto it: Because we thereby do own, that those whose injunctions we obey, had a power to impose; and so by assenting, we become abettors and promoters of their usurpation.

  1. My last argument against impositions shall be taken from the inconveniences that attend such a practice. For though I lay little stress upon such kind of arguments (because truth is to be tried by its evidence, and not by its consequences) yet because,
  1. In principles, on which moral actions are grounded, the inconveniences do use to be weighed, and that doctrine for the most part seems most true, at least most plausible, which is attended by fewest inconveniences and because,
  1. the opposers of liberty, haw very little elseto urge for themselves, but by pretending the many inconveniences that flow from it.

Therefore I shall clearly prove that many more absurd and more destructive and fatal consequences attend the doctrine of impositions, then the doctrine of christian liberty, as,

  1. The first inconvenience is the impossibility to fix a point where the imposer will stop. For do but once grant, that the magistrate hath power to impose, and then we lie at his mercy, how far he will go. For the unmarried state of the clergy, holy unction, consecrating the host &co. are as indifferent in their own nature, as using the cross, or surplice. And if the magistrate hath indeed lawful power to impose, he may as well command those, as these, especially if he be convinced that they are either decent or convenient; at which door have entered in all those gross fooleries, which are in the popish worship: Any of which, take them singly and apart from the circumstances which determine them, so they are indifferent, and may, for ought I know, be conscientiously observed.

But put them together and consider the power which imposes, and the end which continues them, so they are the grossest idolatry, and the vilest tyranny that ever yet was practiced. For we are for the most part mistaken in the notion of popery, if we see a surplice, or a cross, or organs, or bowing, we presently cry out popery: Whereas I think it a more manifest sign of popery to forbid these things, as we do, under penalties, then to practice them with freedom. If, I understand anything of Antichrist, his nature seems to consist in this that he acts in a way contrary to Christ i.e. instead of a spiritual, he brings in a devised worship; and instead of freedom, lays a constraint even upon our devotion. So that, as John in his revelation says of him, “Men shall neither buy nor sell, who have not a mark; i.e. who do not serve God in that outward way, which he commands. So that whoever doth own the doctrine of imposition though in the smallest circumstance of worship he brings in the essence, though not the name of popery; and lays down that for his foundation, on which all the will-worship, which this day reigns in the world, is bottomed.

For whatever opinions we have concerning the necessity of bowing, kneeling or the like, while they stand confined to our private practices, they are at worst but hay and stubble, which will perish at the day of account, though he that doth them may very well be saved. But when once a man goes further and not content with his persuasions, envies his brother that liberty, which he himself desires to enjoy; and seeks to obtrude his conceits upon others, who perhaps are not so well satisfied as he is: Whoever doth this, becomes impious to God, by invading his sovereignty, and lording it over another man’s conscience; and likewise injurious to men, by pressing such things, as are only baits to the careless, and traps for the conscientious. I know very well, that the Argument is specious and often urged — why should men be so scrupulous? Most pleading for ceremonies, Lot did for Zoar, are they not little things? But l answer, 1. that a little thing unwarrantably done is a great sin. 2. That a little thing unjustly gained, makes way for a greater: and therefore we should not let the serpent get in his head, how beautiful soever it seems, lest he bring in his tail, and with that his sting – how curious even almost to superstition, our Savior and his Apostles especially Paul, were in this point, I have already mentioned; by whose example we are little profited, if we do not learn, that in impositions we are not so much to consider how small and inconsiderable the thing imposed is, as how lawful it is: Not, what it is in itself, as whither it tends, and what will he the consequence of it admission. For the smaller the thing imposed is, the more is our christian liberty invaded, and consequently the more injurious and sinful is its imposition.

  1. The second inconvenience is, that it quite inverts the nature of christian religion; not only by taking away its freedom, but likewise its spirituality; our Savior says, that God will now be worshipped not in show and ceremony, but in spirit, and in truth; whereas this doctrine of imposition, places it in such things, in the observance of which, superstition will be sure to out-do devotion. But true religion like the spirits of wine or subtle essences, whenever it comes to ne opened and exposed to view, runs the hazard of being presently dispirited, and lost. In the service of God there is a vast difference, between purity and pomp, between spirit and splendor; whereas the imposer only drives at, and improves the latter; but of the former is altogether secure and careless, as is evident in those places, where uniformity is most strictly practiced.
  1. This doctrine making no provision at all for such as are scrupulous and tender, supposes the same measure of faith in all: Whereas nothing is more clear, then as the Apostle says concerning things offered to idols, so concerning ceremonies, I may say, that all have not knowledge. But to this day many there are utterly unsatisfied with the lawfulness of any, and most are convinced of the uselessness of them all. Whose consciences, how erroneous soever, yet are to be tenderly and gently dealt with; lest by our rigid commanding what they can by no means comply with, we bring them unto that dangerous dilemma, either of breaking their inward peace and comfort, by doing outwardly what they do not inwardly approve of: Or else of running themselves upon the rocks of poverty and prejudice, by disobeying what is commanded. For though we are upon all occasions to suffer gladly, yet let not Reuben smite Ephraim; let us not receive our wounds in the house of our friends, for then our sufferings will be sharpened from the consideration of the unkindness, that our brethren should put us upon the needless trial of our faith and patience, especially in such things, which white the imposer calls indifferent, he thereby acknowledges, that they may very well be spare.
  1. The last inconvenience is that by impositions, especially when the penalty is severe, we seem to lay as much weight and stress upon these indifferent things, as upon any the most material parts of our religion. This rigid irrespective obtruding of small things makes no difference at all between ceremony and substance. So that a man who were not a Christian at all, would find as good, nay perhaps better usage from the imposer, then he who laboring and endeavoring to live up to other parts of christian faith, shall yet forbear to practice these ceremonies: Which is not only harsh and cruel, but very incongruous dealing, that a Jew or Mahometan, should be better regarded, than a weak and scrupulous Christian. This is nothing else, but to deal with our fellow Christians, as Jephtha did with the Ephraimites, to kill them for no weightier crime, than because they cannot pronounce Shibboleth.

To these inconveniences I might add the certain decay of the growth of religion as to its inward purity, while there is this disguise and mask of needless ceremonies upon it to keep it under; but those which I have already urged, are so great, that those which are commonly insisted upon by men of another persuasion, are not at all to be put into the balance with them; as will appear by this brief answer to their main objections.

  1. They object that this will be the way to beget all manner of disorder and confusion; that every man will have a several fashion and custom by himself; and for want of uniformity and ceremony, the unity and essence of religion will perish. But I answer,
  1. Doth any pled for Baal? He that will abuse the principle of liberty, to justify his licentiousness of life, let him know that the magistrate bears not the sword in vain, but has it to cut off such offenders. If you suffer as Christians, said the Apostle, rejoice at it; but let none suffer, as a thief, murderer (unreadable Greek spelling), seditious person, a state-incendiary, or as a busy intermeddler in other men’s matters, for he that doth these things suffered justly; nor can he plead anything from the Gospel, which is a rule of strictness, to exempt him from punishment. But

2.This disorder, which is so vehemently and so tragically aggravated, and for the prevention of which, ceremonies must be invented and forced, is indeed nothing else but a malicious and ill-founding name, put upon an excellent and most comely thing, i.e. variety, For as God, though he be a God of order, hath not made all men of one countenance, and in the world hath given several and divers shapes to many things, which yet are the same for substance; so in the assemblies of his people, who all come to honor him, and agree in the essence of his worship, why should we doubt, but God will be well pleased with their variety in circumstances? The exercise of which not only their consciences do prompt, but God himself doth induce them to, because in his word he hath not prescribed anyone outward form, that all should necessarily agree in; but in such things hath left them to the dictates of their own spirits, and the guidance of christian prudence; which variety is so far from being a confusion, that nothing can be more comely and harmonious, as serving to set out the indulgence of God, the arbitrary actings of the Holy Spirit, and the liberty of the Saints, who can preserve unity in mind, without uniformity in behavior.

  1. The second Objection is, the practice of the Jewish Princes, who as soon as ever they were installed in their Kingdoms, set upon reforming the house of God, and imposing upon all a form of worship: Which since all Scripture is written by divine inspiration, and for our instruction, seems to be a leading case that christian Princes should imitate them, and do so likewise. But l answer, i.e. though arguments taken from analogy are of very little weight, when positive precepts are required, yet I will grant, that the piety of the Jewish, is, and ought to be exemplary to the christian magistrates — but withal I deny the inference, since the Jewish Princes, when they reformed religion, they therein followed a divine law, which did command it from them, and which, in the minutest circumstances, had provided for uniformity worship from which rigor and restraint all Christians are absolved, and therefore it is very unconcluding to argue from the Jews, who had; to the christian magistrate, who wants divine authority. To this is also objected,
  1. That since things necessary to the worship of God, be already determined by God, and over them the magistrate hath no power; if likewise he should have no power in indifferent things, then it would follow that in things appertaining to religion, the christian magistrate had no power at all — which they think to be very absurd – so the reverend and learned Mr. Hooker, and Dr. Sanderson. But I answer,
  1. It is no absurdity at all, that Princes should have no more power in ordering the things of God, then God himself hath allowed them. And if God hath no where given them such an imposing power, they must be content to go without it. But in this case, where will the christian magistrate find his warrant, the Scriptures being utterly silent, that he is now to take such authority upon him, which, because the thing concerns not man, but the worship of God, had it been thought necessary and fit, would certainly not have been omitted.
  1. It is so far from being an argument for impositions, to urge that the thing imposed is indifferent, that there cannot be a stronger argument against them: Since it is as requisite to christian practice, that things indifferent should still be kept indifferent, as things necessary, be held necessary, – As I have already proved.

Lastly, it is much more suited to the nature of the Gospel that christian Princes should reform religion, rather by the example of their lives, then by the severity of their laws; and if they may show their power at all in this case, it should rather be b y subtracting then by adding. By taking away all impertinences, which may hinder the progress of it, rather than by obtruding unwarrantable methods, to tie all men up to such outward forms; as may make piety suspected only for policy disguised.

Much more might be said for this from authority, but I willingly wave it. For if Scripture and reason will not prevail to hinder impositions, I have no cause to expect that any sentences from antiquity should. Only this is certain, that all the writings of the Christians for the first three hundred years, are full of nothing else, but such arguments as evince a liberty, more absolute and universal then I contend for. And likewise it may be of some weight, that the churches doctrine was then more pure, their discipline more strict and severe then now; and yet they had nothing but mutual consent, either to establish or protect it, the magistrates being all against them. But when once Constantine took upon him to manage the affairs of the church, and by penal laws, ratified and confirmed church-orders, he laid that foundation of antichristian tyranny, which presently after him, his son Constantius exercised, against the assertors of the trinity: And, the churches worldly power increasing as fast, as the purity of religion did decrease; the bishops of Rome within a few years, gained to themselves, and have ever since practiced severely against such, whom they call heretics, i.e. deniers of their factious doctrine; and opposers of their most ungospel-like, but indeed most politic and prudential impositions, whose furious and bloody tenets, like subtle poison, have run through the veins of almost all professors, scarce any sort even of protestants, allowing to others that liberty of religion,  which at the beginning of their sects, they justly challenged to themselves.

Nor is there any hope, that the world should be freed from cruelty, disguised under the name of zeal, till it please God to inform all magistrates, how far their commission reaches , that their proper province is only over the body, to repress and correct those moral vices, to which our outward man is subject: But as for christian religion, since it is so pure and simple, so free from state and worldly magnificence, so gentle and complying with the meanest christian, and withal so remote from harshness, rigor and severity, there the magistrate most consults Gods honor and his own duty, if being strict to himself, he leaves all others in these outward ceremonies to their inward convictions. Which liberty, is so tar from weakening, that it is indeed the security of a throne; since besides gaining, the peoples love (especially the most conscientious and sober of them) it doth in a special manner entitle him to Gods protection:  Since in not pretending to be wiser then God, he gives religion that free and undisturbed passage, which our Savior seems by his life and death to have opened for it.


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Ich erstelle Expertisen, berate, erstelle Konzepte für Kommunen, Unternehmen, Privatleute und beantworte Fragen.

Auch spezifische, technische, politische.

Frei von jeder Verkaufsabsicht. Wer meine Arbeit gut findet, kann gern spenden und meine Arbeit unterstützen.

Ich arbeite soweit als möglich auf Basis von Fakten, logischen Deduktionen, evidenzbasierten Zusammenhängen.



John Locke, Two Tracts on Government, Tract I, Section 52, Absatz 52,

John Locke: Two Tracts on Government

John Locke, Two Tracts on Government,

Tract I, Section 51, Absatz 51,

“The first shall be that of our Savior Christ who was of a most sweet and complying disposition, yet when his Christian liberty came once to be invaded he laid aside gentleness, and proved a stiff and peremptory assertor of it. To omit many passage of which his story is full, I shall mention but one and that was his refusing to wash his hands before meat. What Christ did here I know not how it could be said to be in defense of his Christian liberty.

Indeed he came to promulgate the great law of liberty to believers, to redeem men from the slavery of sin and Satan and subjection to the ceremonial law, but he himself was made under the law, lived under it, and fulfilled it, and therefore it appears to me rather a vindication of his national Jewish liberty which was very much encroached on by the traditions of the Pharisees, who though they sat in Moses‘ chair yet were beyond the bounds he had set them.

God had delivered to the Jews an entire and complete platform of worship, prescribed and limited, too, all the circumstances and ceremonies of it, and so strictly tied them to that rule he had given that Moses himself was not permitted to deviate in the least from it, Look that thou make them after te pattern that was showed thee in the mount.

It could not then but be a horrid impiety and presumption for the Pharisees not only to step into Moses chair but also to ascend into Mount Sinai, and dare to mingle their wisdom with God’s and take upon them to correct or perfect that frame which the great architect of heaven and earth had erected for his sanctuary.

This usurpation might well draw sharp rebukes from the meekest and most complying temper. Christ bore with the infirmities of the weak but not with the open rebellion of the haughty and obstinate; these were those who truly bound burdens on men’s consciences by stamping a divine impression on their own counterfeit inventions and traditions and enjoined them under the penalties of God’s displeasure and the curses of the law.

But I think it will be no very good consequence that because Christ opposed the usurpation of the Pharisees, therefore a Christian may dispute the dominion of his magistrate that because the traditions of the Elders (which were such too as made the commandment of God of none effect), were unlawful in a religion tied to a certain and set form which was to receive neither alteration nor addition, you shall not add unto the word that I command you neither shall you diminish aught from it, wherein God had left nothing arbitrary or indifferent, therefore all impositions are unlawful in a religion wherein almost all the outward actions are left undetermined and free; that because it was a part of the Jewish liberty not to be fettered with pharisaical traditions, therefore it is part of the Christian liberty not to submit to legal injunctions, and therefore it is no wonder that Christ should not prefer [arguments from decency] before those from duty, not wash his hands when he could not do it without contracting guilt, nor pay obedience to that law which God had condemned and provided against by a repeated prohibition such traditions as they delivered to the people not as their own injunctions but as part of the law of God, being properly additions to it and so of forbidden traditions, did not thereby destroy either the indifference of the action or the magistrate’s power of enjoining it, and had Caesar commanded washing of hands at any time of the day I have no reason to think that Christ would have denied him this any more than tribute.

Zunächst sollte über unseren Heiland, der einen reinen und fügsamen Charakter besaß, gesagt sein, dass er dennoch seine Freundlichkeit zur Seite legte, sobald seine christliche Freiheit bedroht wurde und er sich als ihr harter und gebieterischer Streiter erwies. Um den vielen Passagen, von denen seine Legende strotzt, Ehre zu erweisen, sollte ich nur eine anführen: Als er sich weigerte seine Hände vor dem Essen zu waschen. Allerdings habe ich keine Ahnung, wie das, was er hier tat, als Verteidigung seiner christlichen Freiheit bezeichnet werden könnte.

Tatsächlich erschien er, um das große Gesetz der Freiheit für die Gläubigen zu verkünden, um Menschen aus der Sklaverei der Sünde zu retten, vor dem Teufel und vor der Unterjochung durch das Zeremonialrecht. Er selbst aber war unter diesem Recht geboren, lebte damit und erfüllte es. Eben deswegen kommt es mir eher wie eine Verteidigung seiner nationalen jüdischen Freiheit vor, die durch die Traditionen der Pharisäer ziemlich weitgehend vereinnahmt worden war, welche trotz, dass sie in Moses Stuhl saßen, dennoch außerhalb der Schranken waren, die es gesetzt hatte.

Gott hatte den Juden einen vollumfänglichen und kompletten Satz an kultischen Handlungen zu seiner Huldigung bereitgestellt, vorgeschrieben und auch begrenzt, inklusive aller dazugehörigen äußeren Umstände und Zeremonien, und sie derart fest an diese von ihm selbst erlassene Regel gebunden, dass es nicht einmal Moses erlaubt war, davon auch nur ein Jota abzuweichen: Sorge dafür dass Du sie nach dem Muster ausführst, das Dir auf dem Berg gegeben wurde!

Folglich konnte es nichts als eine schreckliche Pietätlosigkeit und Anmaßung durch die Pharisäer sein, nicht nur Moses Stelle einzunehmen, sondern auch auf den Berg Sinai zu steigen und es zu wagen, ihre Weisheit mit der Gottes zu verquicken und es zu unterfangen, den Ordnungsrahmen, den der große Architekt von Himmel und Erde für sein Heiligtum errichtet hatte, korrigieren oder perfektionieren zu wollen.

Diese Usurpation darf gut und gern scharfen Tadel selbst von den sanftmütigsten und fügsamsten Gemütern nach sich ziehen. Christus wurde mit den Nachteilen der Schwachen, nicht aber mit dem Geist offener Rebellion der Hochmütigen und Verbohrten geboren. Jene waren es, die dem Gewissen der Menschen in Wahrheit Bürden auferlegt haben, indem sie ihren eigenen gezinkten Erfindungen und getürkten Traditionen den Stempel der Göttlichkeit aufprägten und diese unter die Bestrafung durch Gottes Missfallen und die Vergeltung des Gesetzes mogelten.

Dennoch denke ich, es hätte wohl keine sehr positiven Konsequenzen, aus dem Umstand des Widerstands gegen die Usurpation der Pharisäer durch Christus abzuleiten, dass deswegen ein Christ die Herrschaft seiner Obrigkeit bestreiten dürfe. Nur weil die Traditionen der Ahnen (die ebenfalls so beschaffen waren, dass sie die Wirkung der Anordnungen Gottes auf Null setzten) unrechtmäßig gegenüber einer Religion waren, die fest an bestimmte und stehende Formen gebunden war, die keinerlei Veränderung oder Aufblähung duldete: ‚Du darfst meinem Wort, welches ich Dir verfügt habe, nichts hinzufügen und ebenso wenig darfst Du irgendetwas davon verringern.‘ Weil Gott nichts Willkür oder Unbestimmtheit überlassen hat, deshalb seien alle Verfügungen im Falle einer Religion, die nahezu alle äußerlichen unbestimmt und frei verfügbar gelassen hat? Weil es Teil der jüdischen Freiheit war, nicht durch die pharisäischen Traditionen gefesselt zu werden, deshalb sei es Teil der christlichen Freiheit, keinen legalen Verfügungen untergeordnet zu werden?

Und eben deswegen ist es kein Wunder, dass Christus die Pflicht der Schicklichkeit vorzog und seine Hände nicht gewaschen hat, wenn er das nicht tun konnte, ohne sich Schuld einzuhandeln. Indem er dem Gesetz, das Gott längst verurteilt hatte, keinen Gehorsam erwies, sorgte er durch sein wiederholtes Verbot dafür, dass derartige Traditionen, soweit sie der Bevölkerung aufgedrängt wurden, ohne deren eigene Verfügungen zu sein, sondern statt dessen als Teil von Gottes Gesetz deklariert wurden, als tatsächliche Aufblähungen zu diesem und als verbotene Traditionen erkennbar wurden. Doch dadurch zerstörte er weder die Unbestimmtheit von Handlungen noch die Macht der Obrigkeit, deren Bestimmung an sich zu ziehen. Hätte Cäsar persönlich befohlen, die Hände zu irgendeiner Zeit des Tages zu waschen, habe ich keinen Grund zu der Annahme, Jesus Christus hätte ihm das weitergehend verweigert als Tribut zu zahlen.

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Meinen und Glauben sind meine Sache nicht. Ich will alles selbst nachprüfen können.

Ich erstelle Expertisen, berate, erstelle Konzepte für Kommunen, Unternehmen, Privatleute und beantworte Fragen.

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Frei von jeder Verkaufsabsicht. Wer meine Arbeit gut findet, kann gern spenden und meine Arbeit unterstützen.

Ich arbeite soweit als möglich auf Basis von Fakten, logischen Deduktionen, evidenzbasierten Zusammenhängen.

John Locke, Two Tracts on Government, Tract I, Section 10, Absatz 10

John Locke: Two Tracts on Government

John Locke, Two Tracts on Government,

Tract I, Section 10, Absatz 10,

‚Tis therefore in defense of the authority of these laws that against many reasons I am drawn to appear in public, the preservation whereof as the only security I can yet find of this nation’s settlement I think myself concerned in, till I can find other reasons than I have yet met with to show their non-obligation as long as unrepealed, and dispense with my obedience. After this I hope I need not assure thee that neither vanity nor any pique against the author put the pen into my hand, the concealment we both lie under having sufficiently provided against that suspicion. l dare say could his opinion have ever won upon me, it would have been in that handsome dress and many ornaments his pen hath bestowed upon it with all the advantages it was capable of. But I cannot relinquish the contrary persuasion whilst truth (at least in my apprehension) so strongly declares for it, and I believe he cannot take it ill that whilst he pleads so earnestly for liberty in actions I should be unwilling to have my understanding, the noblest part, imposed on, and will nor be so forgetful of his own principles as to deny me the liberty of dissenting and if he will permit himself to peruse these answers with the same desire of satisfaction where with he professes himself to have proposed his doubts, and I assure him I read them, it may be hoped he will be persuaded if not to alter his judgment yet at least not to think them blind who cannot see in his spectacles or cannot find themselves by his arguments freed from that obedience to the civil magistrate in all things indifferent, which obedience God in his infinite wisdom hath made necessary and therefore not left free.

Da mich nun die Verteidigung der Autorität gerade von diesem bestehenden Recht und Gesetz entgegen einiger Vernunft in die Öffentlichkeit treibt, in deren Aufrechterhaltung ich derzeit die einzige Sicherheit für die Stabilität dieser Nation entdecken kann, werde ich mich weiter darauf berufen, als bis ich endlich vernünftigere Gründe wahrnehme als die, die mir bislang bekannt gemacht wurden und die deren Ungültigkeit zeigen sollen: Solange sie nicht aufgehoben werden und ich von meinem Gehorsam entbunden wurde. Nunmehr so hoffe ich, ist es nicht notwendig Euch zu versichern, dass mich weder Eitelkeit noch Groll auf den Verfasser zur Feder greifen ließen, wo doch unsere beiderseitige Anonymität ausreichend deutlich gegen derartigen Verdacht spricht. Vielmehr möchte ich erwähnen, falls mich etwas von seiner Meinung hätte überzeugen können, so wäre dies nicht zuletzt dem schönen Maßanzug und dem schmucken, blumenreichen Stil geschuldet, den seine Feder seiner Mühe hat zu Teil werden lassen. Allerdings kann ich unmöglich meine gegenteilige Überzeugung verwerfen, solange die Wahrheit (zumindest gemäß meiner Erkenntnis) so unvermindert deutlich für sie spricht. Indessen glaube ich, er kann es mir unmöglich übelnehmen, solange er so ernsthaft für diese Art Handlungsfreiheit plädiert, wenn ich mich als unwillig erweise, meinem Verstand, meiner nobelsten Fähigkeit, dies aufzwingen zu lassen. Ebenso möge er nicht so selbstvergessen gegenüber seinen eigenen Prinzipien sein, mir die Freiheit abweichenden Denkens zu verweigern, sondern möge er sich selbst erlauben, meine Antworten mit dem gleichen Verlangen nach Befriedigung zu verarbeiten, mit dem er seine Zweifel vorgetragen zu haben verkündet. So will ich ihm versichern: Ich werde sie lesen. Es bleibt zu hoffen, er werde dann, wenn schon nicht davon überzeugt, sein Urteil zu ändern, zumindest nicht jene als verblendet zu betrachten, die seinen Blickwinkel nicht einnehmen und die sich durch seine Argumente ebenfalls nicht von jeglichem Gehorsam gegenüber der bürgerlichen Regierung befreit fühlen, soweit es sich um Dinge nachrangiger Bedeutung geht. Eben diesen Gehorsam hat Gott in seiner unendlichen Weisheit als unabweisbar geschaffen und diesen Punkt nicht offen gelassen.

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Meinen und Glauben sind meine Sache nicht. Ich will alles selbst nachprüfen können.

Ich erstelle Expertisen, berate, erstelle Konzepte für Kommunen, Unternehmen, Privatleute und beantworte Fragen.

Auch spezifische, technische, politische.

Frei von jeder Verkaufsabsicht. Wer meine Arbeit gut findet, kann gern spenden und meine Arbeit unterstützen.

Ich arbeite soweit als möglich auf Basis von Fakten, logischen Deduktionen, evidenzbasierten Zusammenhängen.

TToG II § 166

John Locke: Two Treatises of Government

§ 166. Such godlike Princes indeed had some title to arbitrary power by that argument, that would prove absolute monarchy the best government, as that which God himself governs the universe by; because such Kings partake of his wisdom and goodness. Upon this is founded that saying, that the reigns of good Princes have been always most dangerous to the liberties of their people: For when their successors, managing the government with different thoughts, would draw the actions of those good rulers into precedent, and make them the standard of their prerogative:

As if what had been done only for the good of the people was a right in them to do, for the harm of the people, if they so pleased; it has often occasioned contest, and sometimes public disorders, before the people could recover their original right, and get that to be declared not to be prerogative, which truly was never so; since it is impossible that anybody in the society should ever have a right to do the people harm; though it be very possible, and reasonable, that the people should not go about to set any bounds to the prerogative of those Kings, or rulers, who themselves transgressed not the bounds of the public good: For prerogative is nothing but the power of doing public good without a rule.

§ 166. Solch gottähnliche Fürsten hätten tatsächlich einen gewissen Anspruch auf willkürliche Macht folgt man dem Argument, das die absolute Monarchie als die beste Regierung beweisen möchte: Sie wäre als regiere Gott selbst das Universum, weil solche Könige an seiner Weisheit und Güte teilhaben. Darauf beruht das Märchen, Regierungen guter Fürsten seien für die Freiheit ihres Volks stets am gefährlichsten gewesen:

Sollten nämlich ihre Nachfolger die Regierung mit anderem Denken gehandhabt haben; sollten sie die Taten jener guten Herrscher zu Präzedenzfällen und Normen ihrer eigenen Prärogative erhoben haben, hat das oft Grund zu Streit, manchmal zu öffentlichen Unruhen gegeben, bevor die Bevölkerung ihr ursprüngliches Recht wieder erlangen und erreichen konnte, dass nicht zum normalen Gebrauch der Prärogative erklärt wurde, was in Wahrheit nie dazu bestimmt war.

Geradeso als ob genau das, was allein zum Wohl der Bevölkerung gewährt war, ihnen ein Recht gäbe, es zum Schaden der Bevölkerung zu nutzen, wenn es ihnen so passte.

Unmöglich kann irgendjemand in der Gesellschaft je ein Recht haben, der Bevölkerung Schaden zuzufügen. Trotzdem ist es sehr wohl möglich und verständlich, wenn ein Volk nichts unternimmt, der Prärogative von Königen Grenzen zu setzen, die selber die Grenzen des öffentlichen Wohls nicht überschreiten. Prärogative ist nichts als die Macht, für das Volk Gutes zu tun ohne eine Vorschrift dafür zu haben.

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Meinen und Glauben sind meine Sache nicht. Ich will alles selbst nachprüfen können.

Ich erstelle Expertisen, berate, erstelle Konzepte für Kommunen, Unternehmen, Privatleute und beantworte Fragen.

Auch spezifische, technische, politische.

Frei von jeder Verkaufsabsicht. Wer meine Arbeit gut findet, kann gern spenden und meine Arbeit unterstützen.

Ich arbeite soweit als möglich auf Basis von Fakten, logischen Deduktionen, evidenzbasierten Zusammenhängen.

TToG II § 162

John Locke: Two Treatises of Government

§ 162. It is easy to conceive, that in the infancy of governments, when commonwealths differed little from families in number of people, they differed from them too but little in number of laws: And the governors, being as the fathers of them, watching over them for their good, the government was almost all prerogative. A few established laws served the turn, and the discretion and care of the ruler supplied the rest. But when mistake or flattery prevailed with weak Princes to make use of this power for private ends of their own, and not for the public good, the people were fain by express laws to get prerogative determined in those points wherein they found disadvantage from it: And thus declared limitations of prerogative were by the people found necessary in cases which they and their ancestors had left, in the utmost latitude, to the wisdom of those Princes who made no other but a right use of it, that is, for the good of their people.

§ 162. Es ist leicht zu verstehen: Während der Kindheit von Regierungen, als Gemeinwesen von Clans kaum an Mitgliederzahl zu unterscheiden waren, unterschieden sie sich kaum weniger durch die Anzahl ihrer Gesetze. Da Regenten gleichsam wie Väter waren und zu ihrem Vorteil über sie wachten, erfolgte Regierung fast immer prärogativ. Einige wenige stehende Regeln genügten. Ermessen und Fürsorge des Regenten taten das Übrige. Sobald Fehldeutung und Schleimerei schwache Fürsten verleiteten, die Macht für private Ziele zu missbrauchen statt zum öffentlichen Wohl, sah die Bevölkerung sich gedrängt, die Prärogative in den Punkten, in denen es Nachteil durch sie erfuhr, durch ausdrückliche Gesetze einzuschränken. Erklärte Grenzen für Prärogative wurden von der Bevölkerung für notwendig erachtet, für alle jene Situationen, die sie selbst und ihre Ahnen im zu weitem Umfang der Weisheit solcher Fürsten überlassen hatten, die damals davon keinen anderen als rechtmäßigen Gebrauch machten, welcher im Wohl ihres Volks besteht.

Fragen, Wünsche, Informationen?

Nehmen Sie einfach Kontakt zu mir auf!

Meinen und Glauben sind meine Sache nicht. Ich will alles selbst nachprüfen können.

Ich erstelle Expertisen, berate, erstelle Konzepte für Kommunen, Unternehmen, Privatleute und beantworte Fragen.

Auch spezifische, technische, politische.

Frei von jeder Verkaufsabsicht. Wer meine Arbeit gut findet, kann gern spenden und meine Arbeit unterstützen.

Ich arbeite soweit als möglich auf Basis von Fakten, logischen Deduktionen, evidenzbasierten Zusammenhängen.

TToG II § 147

John Locke: Two Treatises of Government

§ 147. These two powers, executive and federative, though they be really distinct in themselves, yet one comprehending the execution of the municipal laws of the society within itself, upon all that are parts of it; the other the management of the security and interest of the public without, with all those that it may receive benefit or damage from, yet they are always almost united.

And though this federative power in the well or ill management of it be of great moment to the commonwealth, yet it is much less capable to be directed by antecedent, standing, positive laws, than the executive; and so must necessarily be left to the prudence and wisdom of those, whose hands it is in, to be managed for the public good: For the laws that concern subjects one amongst another, being to direct their actions, may well enough precede them. But what is to be done in reference to foreigners, depending much upon their actions, and the variation of designs and interests, must be left in great part to the prudence of those, who have this power committed to them, to be managed by the best of their skill, for the advantage of the commonwealth.

§ 147. Obwohl diese beiden Gewalten, die exekutive und die föderative, sich in der Realität voneinander unterscheiden, da die eine den Vollzug der einzelnen Gesetze der Gesellschaft innerhalb und über deren Teile betrifft, die andere die Behandlung von Sicherheit und Interessen der Gemeinschaft nach außen gegen alle, von denen Nutzen oder Schaden zu erwarten wäre, so sind sie doch fast immer vereint.

Obwohl die föderative Macht durch gute oder schlechte Handhabung für das Gemeinwesen von großer Wichtigkeit ist, eignet sie sich deutlich schlechter für die Ausrichtung nach voraus liegenden, stehenden oder positiven Gesetzen als die Exekutive. Notwendigerweise ist es der Klugheit und Weisheit derer zu überlassen, in deren Händen sie sich befindet, sie zum öffentlichen Wohl zu verwenden. Die Gesetze, die die Angehörigen in ihrem Verhältnis zueinander betreffen und ihren Handlungen die Richtung geben sollen, können für sie durchaus als Richtschnur dienen. Was aber bezüglich Fremder zu geschehen hat, das bleibt besser, da es sehr von deren Handlungen und Vielfalt von Absichten und Interessen abhängt, überwiegend der Klugheit derjenigen, welchen diese Macht übertragen worden ist vorbehalten, es nach bestem Können und zum Nutzen des Staats zu behandeln.

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Nehmen Sie einfach Kontakt zu mir auf!

Meinen und Glauben sind meine Sache nicht. Ich will alles selbst nachprüfen können.

Ich erstelle Expertisen, berate, erstelle Konzepte für Kommunen, Unternehmen, Privatleute und beantworte Fragen.

Auch spezifische, technische, politische.

Frei von jeder Verkaufsabsicht. Wer meine Arbeit gut findet, kann gern spenden und meine Arbeit unterstützen.

Ich arbeite soweit als möglich auf Basis von Fakten, logischen Deduktionen, evidenzbasierten Zusammenhängen.

TToG II § 105

John Locke: Two Treatises of Government

§ 105. I will not deny that if we look back as far as history will direct us, towards the original of commonwealths, we shall generally find them under the government and administration of one man. And I am also apt to believe, that where a family was numerous enough to subsist by itself, and continued entire together, without mixing with others, as it often happens, where there is much land, and few people, the government commonly began in the father:

For the father having, by the law of nature, the same power with every man else to punish, as he thought fit, any offences against that law, might thereby punish his transgressing children, even when they were men, and out of their pupilage; and they were very likely to submit to his punishment, and all join with him against the offender, in their turns, giving him thereby power to execute his sentence against any transgression, and so in effect make him the law-maker, and governor over all that remained in conjunction with his family. He was fittest to be trusted; paternal affection secured their property and interest under his care; and the custom of obeying him, in their childhood, made it easier to submit to him, rather than to any other.

If therefore they must have one to rule them, as government is hardly to be avoided amongst men that live together; who so likely to be the man as he that was their common father; unless negligence, cruelty, or any other defect of mind or body made him unfit for it? But when either the father died, and left his next heir, for want of age, wisdom, courage, or any other qualities, less fit to rule; or where several families met, and consented to continue together; there, it is not to be doubted, but they used their natural freedom, to set up him, whom they judged the ablest, and most likely, to rule well over them.

Conformable hereunto we find the people of America, who (living out of the reach of the conquering swords, and spreading domination of the two great empires of Peru and Mexico) enjoyed their own natural freedom, though, ceteris paribus, they commonly prefer the heir of their deceased King; yet if they find him any way weak, or incapable, they pass him by, and set up the stoutest and bravest man for their ruler

§ 105. Ich streite es nicht ab. Wenn wir bei der Erforschung des Ursprungs von Staaten soweit zurückgehen, wie die Geschichte uns lässt, finden wir regelmäßig unter Regierung und Verwaltung eines Einzelnen. Ich bin auch in der Lage zu glauben, sofern eine Familie groß genug war, sich selbst zu versorgen und zusammenzubleiben ohne sich mit anderen zu vermischen, was dort oft vorkommt, wo es viel Land und wenig Leute gibt, das Regieren ging normalerweise vom Vater aus.

Da ein Vater gemäß Naturrecht dieselbe Macht hatte wie jeder andere, alle Verstöße gegen dieses Recht nach eigenem Ermessen zu bestrafen, so durfte er die Verstöße seiner Kinder strafen, selbst wenn diese bereits Männer und erwachsen waren. Sehr wahrscheinlich ordneten sich die Kinder seinen Strafen genau so unter und wie sie sich mit ihm gegen andere Übertreter verbündeten. Sie ermächtigten ihn damit sein Urteil bei jeder Übertretung zu vollstrecken und machten ihn so tatsächlich zum Gesetzgeber und Regenten aller, die Mitglied seiner Sippe blieben. Er war der Geeignetste für ihr Vertrauen. Väterliche Liebe bürgte für ihren Besitz und Interesse an seiner Obhut. Gewohnheit, ihm während der Kindheit zu gehorchen, machte es bequemer, sich ihm unterzuordnen als einem anderen.

Wenn sie schon jemand haben brauchten, der sie führte, Regierung unter Menschen, die zusammenleben ist schließlich kaum zu vermeiden, wer war dann wahrscheinlich der geeignetere Mann, wenn nicht der gemeinsame Vater? Es sein denn Vernachlässigung, Grausamkeit oder ein anderer geistiger oder körperlicher Defekt ließen ihn untauglich erscheinen. Was aber wenn der Vater starb und der nächste Erbe aus Mangel an Alter, Weisheit, Mut oder anderen Eigenschaften weniger geeignet als Regent war? Oder wenn einige Familien zusammentraten?

Sofern sie übereinkamen, zusammen zu bleiben, nutzten sie ohne jeden Zweifel ihre natürliche Freiheit dazu, denjenigen einzusetzen, welchen sie für den fähigsten hielten und von dem sie am ehesten eine gute Regierung erwarten konnten. Genau deshalb stellen wir bei den Völkern Amerikas fest, obwohl sie ceteris paribus (unter Gleichen) für gewöhnlich den Erben ihres verstorbenen Königs vorziehen, ihn dennoch übergehen, wenn sie ihn für schwach oder unfähig halten und den stärksten und tapfersten Mann zum Anführer einsetzen. Zumindest soweit sie sich außerhalb der Reichweite erobernder Schwerter und der ausgedehnten Herrschaft der beiden großen Reiche Peru und Mexiko leben und sich im Genuss ihrer eigenen natürlichen Freiheit befinden.

Fragen, Wünsche, Informationen?

Nehmen Sie einfach Kontakt zu mir auf!

Meinen und Glauben sind meine Sache nicht. Ich will alles selbst nachprüfen können.

Ich erstelle Expertisen, berate, erstelle Konzepte für Kommunen, Unternehmen, Privatleute und beantworte Fragen.

Auch spezifische, technische, politische.

Frei von jeder Verkaufsabsicht. Wer meine Arbeit gut findet, kann gern spenden und meine Arbeit unterstützen.

Ich arbeite soweit als möglich auf Basis von Fakten, logischen Deduktionen, evidenzbasierten Zusammenhängen.

TToG II § 94

John Locke: Two Treatises of Government

§ 94. But whatever flatterers may talk to amuse people’s understandings, it hinders not men from feeling; and when they perceive, that any man, in what station so ever, is out of the bounds of the civil society which they are of, and that they have no appeal on earth against any harm, they may receive from him, they are apt to think themselves in the state of nature, in respect of him whom they find to be so; and to take care, as soon as they can, to have that safety and security in civil society, for which it was first instituted, and for which only they entered into it.

And therefore, though perhaps at first, (as shall be showed more at large hereafter in the following part of this discourse) someone good and excellent man having got a pre-eminency amongst the rest, had this deference paid to his goodness and virtue, as to a kind of natural authority, that the chief rule, with arbitration of their differences, by a tacit consent devolved into his, without any other caution, but the assurance they had of his uprightness and wisdom; yet when time, giving authority, and (as some men would persuade us) sacredness of customs, which the negligent, and unforeseen innocence of the first ages began, had brought in successors of another stamp, the people finding their properties39 not secure under the government, as it then was, (whereas government has no other end but the preservation of property39, 44) could never be safe nor at rest, nor think themselves in civil society, till the legislature was placed in collective bodies of men, call them senate, parliament, or what you please.

By which means every single person became subject, equally with other the meanest men, to those laws, which he himself, as part of the legislative, had established; nor could anyone, by his own authority, avoid the force of the law, when once made; nor by any pretence of superiority plead exemption, thereby to license his own, or the miscarriages of any of his dependents. No man in civil society can be exempted from the laws of it45: For if any man may do what he thinks fit, and there be no appeal on earth, for redress or security against any harm he shall do; I ask, whether he be not perfectly still in the state of nature, and so can be no part or member of that civil society; unless anyone will say, the state of nature and civil society are one and the same thing, which I have never yet found anyone so great a patron of anarchy as to affirm.

§ 94. Was Schleimer auch erzählen um den Verstand des Volks zu amüsieren, es hindert keinen Menschen am Fühlen. Sobald sie bemerken, ein Mensch egal welchen Stands zerreißt die Bande der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft, welcher sie angehören, und sie finden auf der Erde keine Instanz gegen das Unrecht, das man Ihnen zufügt, sind sie fähig, sich als sich selbst im Naturzustand befindlich demjenigen gegenüber vorzustellen, dessen Verhalten sie so wahrnehmen. Sobald sie können sorgen sie dafür, sich genau die Sicherheit und Gewähr der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft zu verschaffen, für die sie gegründet wurde und weshalb sie überhaupt eintraten.

Wie im folgenden Teil dieser Abhandlung ausführlicher gezeigt werden wird, kann es zu Anfang der ein oder andere gute und hervorragende Mann gewesen sein, der allen Übrigen überlegen war, dem wegen seiner Fähigkeiten und Tugend Respekt in einer Art natürlicher Autorität erwiesen wurde. Es war sinnvoll durch stillschweigende Zustimmung das letzte Wort samt Schlichtung ihrer Zwistigkeiten ohne andere Bürgschaft in seine Hände zu legen, weil man von seiner Rechtschaffenheit und Weisheit überzeugt war. Die fahrlässige und unbedachte Harmlosigkeit der ersten Tage begann mit der Zeit zu Bräuchen zu werden und Nachfolger anderen Schlags traten auf, welche (wie manche uns einreden wollen) zu Autorität und Heiligkeit gelangten.

Die Bevölkerung hielt unter Regierungen, so wie die sich dann gestalteten, ihr Eigentum39 nicht mehr für sicher und konnte (weil Regierung keinen anderen Zweck hat als den Erhalt des Eigentums39, 44) sich weder in Sicherheit oder beruhigt fühlen, noch sich als bürgerliche Gesellschaft betrachten, bis die Gesetzgebung einem Kollektiv von Menschen, man nenne es Senat, Parlament oder sonst wie, in die Hände gelegt wurde. Auf diese Weise wurde jeder Einzelne in gleichwertig bis hin zum einfachsten Mann den Gesetzen untergeordnet, welche er selbst, als Teil der Legislative, erlassen hatte. Niemand konnte durch eigene Autorität die Kraft des Gesetzes vermeiden, wenn es einmal erlassen war. Oder gar unter dem billigen Vorwand angeblicher Oberhoheit Befreiung erlangen, um dadurch seine und seiner Anhänger Vergehen straffrei zu stellen45.

Niemand in der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft kann von ihren Gesetzen ausgenommen werden. Sobald ein Mensch tut, was er will, und gibt es auf Erden keine Berufungsinstanz zur Abhilfe und Sicherheit gegen einen Schaden, den er verübt, so frage ich: Ist er nicht noch völlig im Naturzustand und deshalb kein Teil oder Glied dieser bürgerlichen Gesellschaft? Es sei denn, man wolle behaupten will, Naturzustand und bürgerlichen Gesellschaft wären ein und dasselbe. Einen derart großen Oberhirten der Anarchie, der das behauptet hätte, habe ich noch nie gefunden.

39Property in Lockes wider definition: liberty, life, estate,… what we need to discuss of…
39Eigentum nach Lockes Definition, im Sinne des Staatszwecks: Freiheit, Leben und Vermögen (liberty, life and estate): Property by John Lockes own definition…for the mutual preservation of their lives, liberties and estates, which I call by the general name, property. II §123; §87; §127; §131; §134; §138; §139; §170; §171; §174; §199; §200; §201; §221; §222; §226; §227; §228; § 229; §231; §239;

44At the first, when some certain kind of regiment was once appointed, it may be that nothing was then farther thought upon for the manner of governing, but all permitted unto their wisdom and discretion, which were to rule, till by experience they found this for all parts very inconvenient, so as the thing which they had devised for a remedy did indeed but increase the sore, which it would have cured. They saw, that to lice by one man’s will, became the cause of all men’s misery. This constrained them to come unto laws, wherein all men might see their duty beforehand, and know the penalties of transgressing them. Hooker Eccl.Pol.lib.I.Sect.10.

44Es mag sein, anfangs wurde, nachdem einmal eine gewisse Art von Regierung eingesetzt worden war, über die Art zu regieren nicht weiter nachgedacht, sondern alles der Weisheit und Klugheit derer, die zu regieren hatten, überlassen wurde, bis man durch Erfahrung dies für alle Teile sehr nachteilig fand, indem das, was man als ein Hilfsmittel ersonnen hatte, in Wirklichkeit nur das Übel verschlimmerte, das es geheilt haben sollte. Man sah, nach dem Willen eines einzigen zu leben wurde die Ursache des Elends aller. Dies veranlasste die Menschen, in Gesetze einzuwilligen, in denen alle im Voraus ihre Pflicht und die Strafe für ihre Übertretungen erkennen konnten. Hooker Eccl.Pol.lib.I.Sect.10.

45Civil law being the act of the whole body politic, doth therefore overrule each several part of the same body.
Hooker Eccl.Pol.lib.I.Sect.10.

45Da das bürgerliche Gesetz der Akt des gesamten politischen Körpers ist, beherrscht es jeden einzelnen Teil desselben Körpers. Hooker Eccl.Pol.lib.I.Sect.10.


Fragen, Wünsche, Informationen?

Nehmen Sie einfach Kontakt zu mir auf!

Meinen und Glauben sind meine Sache nicht. Ich will alles selbst nachprüfen können.

Ich erstelle Expertisen, berate, erstelle Konzepte für Kommunen, Unternehmen, Privatleute und beantworte Fragen.

Auch spezifische, technische, politische.

Frei von jeder Verkaufsabsicht. Wer meine Arbeit gut findet, kann gern spenden und meine Arbeit unterstützen.

Ich arbeite soweit als möglich auf Basis von Fakten, logischen Deduktionen, evidenzbasierten Zusammenhängen.

TToG II § 80

John Locke: Two Treatises of Government

§ 80. And herein I think lies the chief, if not the only reason, why the male and female in mankind are tied to a longer conjunction than other creatures, viz. because the female is capable of conceiving, and de facto is commonly with child again, and brings forth to a new birth, long before the former is out of a dependency for support on his parents help, and able to shift for himself, and has all the assistance that is due to him from his parents: Whereby the father, who is bound to take care for those he hath begot, is under an obligation to continue in conjugal society with the same woman longer than other creatures, whose young being able to subsist of themselves, before the time of procreation returns again, the conjugal bond dissolves of itself, and they are at liberty, till Hymen41 at his usual anniversary season summons them again to choose new mates.

Wherein one cannot but admire the wisdom of the great Creator, who having given to man foresight, and an ability to lay up for the future, as well as to supply the present necessity, hath made it necessary, that society of man and wife should be more lasting, than of male and female among other creatures; that so their industry might be encouraged, and their interest better united, to make provision and lay up goods for their common issue, with uncertain mixture, or easy and frequent solutions of conjugal society would mightily disturb.

§ 80. Ich denke hier liegt der wichtigste, wenn nicht einzige Grund, weshalb Mann und Frau der Menschheit eine längere Verbindung eingehen als andere Geschöpfe: Weil die Frau fähig ist zu empfangen, und de facto in der Regel von neuem schwanger wird und niederkommt, lange bevor das vorherige Kind für seinen Erhalt auf elterliche Hilfe verzichten kann oder imstande ist sich selbst zu helfen und deshalb noch den Beistand nötig hat, den es von den Eltern erhält.

Das drängt den Vater, der verpflichtet ist für die zu sorgen die er gezeugt hat, mit derselben Frau länger in ehelicher Gemeinschaft zu bleiben als andere Geschöpfe. Da ihre Jungen rasch die Fähigkeit haben, sich selbst zu erhalten sind jene gehalten, sich neue Partner zu suchen, weil das eheliche Band, noch ehe die Zeit der Zeugung wiederkehrt, sich von selbst löst und sie deshalb frei sind, bis Hymenaios41 sie zur meist jährlich wiederkehrenden Brunftzeit einlädt.

Man kann die Weisheit des großen Schöpfers nur bewundern. Mit Verleihung den Fähigkeiten des Vorausschauens, des Bevorratens für die Zukunft und des Befriedigens aktueller Bedürfnisse, hat er den Menschen in die Notwendigkeit einer länger dauernden Gemeinschaft von Mann und Frau versetzt als andere Spezies. Er hat auf diese Weise ihre Aktivität angeregt und ihr Interesse, den gemeinsamen Nachwuchs zu versorgen und Güter für ihn zurückzulegen besser vereinigt. Das würde durch wechselhaftes Paarungsverhalten, unsichere Vaterschaft oder leichtfertige und häufige Auflösung der ehelichen Gesellschaft erheblich gestört werde.


Fragen, Wünsche, Informationen?

Nehmen Sie einfach Kontakt zu mir auf!

Meinen und Glauben sind meine Sache nicht. Ich will alles selbst nachprüfen können.

Ich erstelle Expertisen, berate, erstelle Konzepte für Kommunen, Unternehmen, Privatleute und beantworte Fragen.

Auch spezifische, technische, politische.

Frei von jeder Verkaufsabsicht. Wer meine Arbeit gut findet, kann gern spenden und meine Arbeit unterstützen.

Ich arbeite soweit als möglich auf Basis von Fakten, logischen Deduktionen, evidenzbasierten Zusammenhängen.

TToG II § 63

John Locke: Two Treatises of Government

§ 63. The freedom then of man, and liberty of acting according to his own will, is grounded on his having reason, which is able to instruct him in that law he is to govern himself by, and make him know how far he is left to the freedom of his own will. To turn him loose to an unrestrained liberty, before he has reason to guide him, is not the allowing him the privilege of his nature to be free; but to thrust him out amongst brutes, and abandon him to a state as wretched, and as much beneath that of a man, as theirs.

This is that which puts the authority into the parent’s hands to govern the minority of their children. God hath made it their business to employ this care on their offspring, and hath placed in them suitable inclinations of tenderness and concern to temper this power, to apply it, as his wisdom designed it, to the children’s good, as long as they should need to be under it.

§ 63. Des Menschen Unabhängigkeit und Freiheit, nach eigenem Willen zu handeln, beruhen also auf dem Besitz von Vernunft, die ihn über das für ihn geltende Gesetz zu unterrichten und zum Bewusstsein zu bringen vermag, wieweit er der Freiheit seines eigenen Willens überlassen ist. Ihm schrankenlose Freiheit einzuräumen, bevor er über leitende Vernunft verfügt, hieße nicht, ihm sein natürliches Privileg frei zu sein zu gewähren. Es hieße ihn unter die Tiere auszustoßen und ihn einem ebenso dürftigen Zustand preiszugeben, wie dem eines Tiers: Unterhalb dem eines Menschen.

Genau das legt den Eltern die Autorität in die Hände, ihre Kinder während derer Minderjährigkeit zu lenken. Gott hat ihnen aufgetragen, diese Sorgfalt auf ihre Nachkommen zu verwenden und ihnen dafür geeignete Neigungen, zärtliche Hingabe und Achtsamkeit ins Herz gelegt. Diese Macht zu zügeln und sie, wie seine Weisheit es einrichtet, zum Wohl der Kinder anzuwenden, solange diese nötig haben, unter ihr zu stehen.

Fragen, Wünsche, Informationen?

Nehmen Sie einfach Kontakt zu mir auf!

Meinen und Glauben sind meine Sache nicht. Ich will alles selbst nachprüfen können.

Ich erstelle Expertisen, berate, erstelle Konzepte für Kommunen, Unternehmen, Privatleute und beantworte Fragen.

Auch spezifische, technische, politische.

Frei von jeder Verkaufsabsicht. Wer meine Arbeit gut findet, kann gern spenden und meine Arbeit unterstützen.

Ich arbeite soweit als möglich auf Basis von Fakten, logischen Deduktionen, evidenzbasierten Zusammenhängen.